Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7th Period

First of all, I realize this won't be interesting to anyone. I just want to document the hilarity of my 7th period, because, seriously, how does this happen?

Bell rings.
Students to their starting activity on the board.
Then, I ATTEMPT to discuss a few current events.
Unrest in Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Iran, etc.
"Miss Anderson, will you come to our baseball game." "Yes, just tell me when it's closer"
More discussion of middle east, Muslim brotherhood, democracy.
My typical spill on my shock about how pirates still exist. I explained somolia, yacth, 4 Americans killed, upcoming trial.
"Will we go to war?" "How many people would have to die to go to war?" "Will we start a world war with Somolia" "The words "World War" imply that the whole world needs to be involved not just us and them" (suddenly it clicks in their head. Mind you, this is all them talking).
"Can we just talk about current events the entire period?" "Yeah! We never have a free day!" "This will be so good for us!" "Can we talk about drug cartels in Juarez again?" "Yeah, Miss Anderson, we need to know about them!!" "can't we just have a discussion all period." (In my head, "What do you think I'm trying to do?") Outloud, "Only if I start getting some really good questions. If not we'll take notes."
I ask them a question about N Korea. "Do they have nukes?" "Would China beat us?" "If a nuke goes off won't the entire face of the earth be slaughtered?" (lot's of speculation) (Finally, I respond, answer questions and ask a question about New Zealand).
"Did you guys hear about the earthquake," I ask. "Oh yeah! Didn't 4000 people die?" "We just learned where that is!" "What earthquake?" "Aren't we supposed to have an earthquake?" "When will it come?" "Can we practice an earthquake drill?" (student we will call Huck gets under his desk promptly) Huck "I'm scared! Can't we have a drill? Wouldn't it be so cool if it came!" Other students, "Is our school earthquake proof."

"Do we have to do anything today?" "Can we just keep talking and learning things like we are right now?"

I tell them we are going to take notes but "I promise, I won't make you do anything for the WHOLE rest of the period if we have a 6.0 earthquake." "Sigh... MISS ANDERSON! This is important. We need to know this in real life."

Discussion on federal laws, how tectonic plates move (for someone who missed all the science classes in her whole life apparently). Randomly, Huck jumps up from his desk, folds his arms, "Dear Heavenly Father, Please let us have an earthquake and let us be safe if we do. It'd be really cool and we'd learn a lot. In the name of...Amen." (I'm not kidding). The class got silent, because, let's be honest, we were all a bit in shock. Well, thanks Huck for asking that we'd be safe.
More discussion on natural disasters. Tectonic plates. Huck has a question. He asks if he can ask it. "Sure, why not," I respond. He comes to the board. Draws America (a perfect circle). He draws where the highest points are. He thinks they are around the coasts. "Huck, we JUST discussed that the lowest points are typically near the coasts."
We discuss Katrina, flooding, lot's of floods, lots of earthquakes. Huck continues his drawing. Huck says, "So if it rains, the whole continent would have to fill up before it floods?" We discuss rivers, elevation, and more floods.

Oh man, FINALLY, we get back on track to taking notes about monsoons in south Asia. Huck inquires, "Miss Anderson, do pipes have filters?" We discuss the difference in incoming clean water and outgoing dirty water. "So, would fish live if they get dropped in the toilet and flushed?" He divulges that his mom accidentally flushed his fish last night. He was so sad.

More notes. Huck says, "Miss Anderson, how does water not fall off the earth when the world is upside down." Class together, laughing/exasperated/shocked, "GRAVITY!!!"

Oh my gosh. Oh my. Oh.

I will add more as the memories come. Can you imagine if I was observed that period? (Actually, I'd probably get a ton of high points on asking good questions and student interaction). My brain hurts.


Mike said...

I don't know why you think no one else finds this interesting! These kids are so funny, especially Huck!

The Moore's said...

Did you have to graduate in all subjects? Because it sounds like they think you know everything...

Nicole said...


Carie said...

Can I come sit in on your seventh period? I want to sit by Huck. At least he'll be safe when that earthquake he prayed for comes!!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like they have the attention span of my kindergarten class...just with deeper questions. When my class goes off, they talk about losing a tooth or if I have ever seen whatever movie or played whatever game on the wii. I love it!

Linze Kate said...

Oh my word. Oh my word... The best part? The prayer.
I love Huck! I also kind of sit in awe that some of those thoughts and questions were real. WOW.
Hahaha.... I'm beyond glad you shared that.