Sunday, September 21, 2008

Maren--Ma-ren is What Brings Us Together Today

Maren is one of the best people I know. She is so genuine, so loving, so concerned. Freshman year, we were randomly paired to live together. At first, it appeared that we were total opposites. She was very studious, I was very social. As the year progressed, we both rubbed off on one another (which was very good for my GPA). By the end of freshman year, I could not believe how close we grew. I think I appreciated her more than I vocalized, but I learned a lot from her. She was my constant. We are both extremely logical and we would bounce ideas off of one another (and talk sense into one another) daily.

I have so many memories with Maren. Lot's of late night talks lots of random phone conversations. I love that our relationship can be picked up so quickly. We don't require a lot of time spent with one another. A random phone call or ice cream trip will catch us up after being away for months at EFY or months in Belgium.I really appreciate her example and desire to always do good. We have had so many deep conversations and discussed many of our fears and aspirations.

Maren got married to Patrick Perkins on August 22, 2008. She looked so beautiful. She will be the first one to tell you, she did not think she would be married so quickly. But it works. It always works. She looked gorgeous. The wedding reception was the most beautiful, perfect reception I have ever been to. My mom was running around the yard taking pictures of random artistic formations for "one day". Sorry, Mom, that day isn't coming any day soon, but I'll see what I can do. Anyways, Maren's wedding day really was perfect. I felt so flattered to have been asked to be a bridesmaid. I know that Maren has really made an impact on my life. I really value her friendship and know that we will be friends for a long, long time.

I'm so glad Maren and Patrick were able to be married in the temple--for eternity. What incredible truth we have! I love that we can be with the person we love most forever. That makes everything worthwhile. Congratulations, Maren and Patrick!!!


Jordan said...

How fun! You look so pretty!

andersson-whanau said...

So fun to read about your summer! You are an amazing woman and I am very proud to be related:-) Keep on posting---We love reading them!