"The history of the Panama Canal goes back almost to the earliest explorers of the Americas. The narrow land bridge between North and South America offers a unique opportunity to create a water passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This potential was meeee by the earliest colonists of Central America, and schemes for such a canal were floated several times in the subsequent years.
By the late-1800s, technological advances and commercial pressure advanced to the point where construction started in earnest. An initial attempt by France to build a sea-level canal failed, but only after a great amount of excavation was carried out. This was of use to the U.S. effort, which finally completed the present Panama Canal in 1914. Along the way, the nation of Panama was created through its separation from Colombia in 1903.
Today, the canal continues to be not only a viable commercial venture, but also a vital link in world shipping."
We walked from the Galke's home to the US Embassy. That is where Brother Galke works. The coolest thing is that he rides a bike there!!!! It is a beautiful building up on a hill that provided easy access to the canal back when the US owned it.
More memories of the day (from the guys):
Julia, Amber, and THE frog
Sunday Night
Amber sleeping on the couch
Here's a clip of the canal...
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